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Q:  Do you provide all sample containers for testing?
A:  Yes.  We can bring them to you or ship your containers already preserved and labeled in a cooler.

Q:  Can you fill out DMRs for monthly compliance?
A:  Yes, for a $50 monthly fee.  Client supplies forms and flow values in MGD.
Q:  Do you pick-up and collect our samples?
A:  Yes, within a 90-mile radius.  We have drivers on the road 5 days per week.

Q:  Do you do testing for individuals?
A:  No.  We only do analytical testing for industries and municipalities.

Q:  Do you do mold or air testing?
A:  No.

Q:  Do you report our results to ADEM?
A:  Yes, for drinking water testing only.  This excludes TOC, Aluminum, and TSS results.

Q:  Will you schedule our testing for us each month?
A:  Yes.  We can schedule tests up to a year in advance.

Q:  How often do you run coliform samples?
A:  Everyday.  This is a 24-hour test, so results can be expected the next business day.

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